Congrats! You've found eyeball-Paul!
You appear to have clicked on one of my pigeon illustrations, and now you’re here. Lucky you!

let's talk pigeons
This is my pal Paul
Paul’s a woodpigeon who started visiting me back in 2022. I began feeding him, and before I knew it, he decided to stick around.
He’s one of many pigeons that pop by my garden, and sometimes, he even shows up during client calls. If he does, I’ll be sure to introduce you to him—eyeball-to-eyeball.
Now, why the name ‘Eyeball Paul’? Well, he’s got just one good eye. But don’t worry, he seems perfectly fine.
Why does this page even exist?
Honestly? Because I can. That’s the beauty of having your own brand—no one can stop you from dedicating an entire web page to a one-eyed pigeon. It’s just a little fun for anyone who felt the urge to click on a random pixel pigeon. And hey, now you’ve met Paul.
One last thing…